Monday, December 30, 2019

This is the best day of the week to work remotely

This is the best day of the week to work remotelyThis is the best day of the week to work remotelyWhats the best day to work from home? Every day, some of us would like to answer. Or if thats an impossibility, what about extending our weekend with a Friday or Monday option to work from home, we would like to tell our skeptical superiors.But if you want to successfully negotiate for a remote day of work, listen to Shari Buck, an executive who recently made the case for Wednesday, citing how her company has instituted this midweek remote work policy. Writing for Quartz, Shari Buck, the co-founder and chief product officer atDoximity, said that Wednesday gives employees the flexibility of staying at home along with the accountability of knowing that the work week is not yet done.Wanna WFH? Choose WednesdaysIt breaks up the week nicely two days in the office, one day working remote, and then two mora days back in the office, Buck writes. This leads to a consistent workflow that balances a number of planning meetings early in the week, a productive Wednesday working from home, and two equally productive and collaborative days on the tail end of the week.In other words, picking Wednesday is a win-win for employers and employees. It gives you the reward of a work-from-home day without office distractions while still communicating to your boss that youre engaged with your job.WFH Wednesdays have boosted work-life balance for all of our employees. At the same time, they have kept our business productive and on a path of positive growth for nearly a decade, Buck wrote.She is not alone in advocating for the use of Wednesdays. One employee successfully negotiated for a Wednesday work-from-home day in her employment contract to lessen the pain of a long commute.I have a one-hour commute (45 miles) each way, which is why I negotiated for a work-at-home day when I was hired, Sharon Glazer, an academic medical center employee, said. Wednesdays are good because I like to break up the week. Although I am working, my day is so much more relaxed, not to mention two hours shorter, that its like a mini-weekend.A one-day relief from commuting may not seem like much, but every minute counts when it comes to your job satisfaction. One study found that a 20-minute increase in a workers round-trip commute time felt like a 19% pay cut to employees. Give yourself a midweek pick-me-up and ask for that work-from-home Wednesday.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Is Your Functional Resume Keeping You Unemployed

Is Your Functional Resume Keeping You UnemployedFunctional Resume Keeping You Unemployed?Is Your Functional Resume Keeping You UnemployedRecruiters and headhunters throw them out, employers get frustrated by them, and many job boards wont accept them. So why are some job seekers still using functional resumes? Because for a long time, functional resumes were widely considered the best way to camouflage employment gaps or a lack of experience. These days, it seems theyve become more like a flashing neon sign that screams, Im trying to hide somethingAward-winning resume writer and career strategist Barbara Safani thinks functional resumes should be renamed dysfunctional resumes. She says ... if youve been leaning towards creating a functional resume to position yourself in front of a vermgen employer, you are probably headed in the wrong direction.A purely functional resume emphasizes your skill sets rather than your employment history. When functional resumes became popular, the idea was to impress readers with your skills and strengths before they found out you hadnt worked for 10 years, or that youve never actually worked in the field youre targeting (not that theres anything wrongor unusualwith either scenario.)Unfortunately, for functional resumes to work, employers would actually have to read them. But they dont. Usually, they start off with a 10-second scan to quickly look for things likeObvious typos or errors,Where youre from,Whether you have relevant qualifications,Your past job titles,The level of responsibility youve reached, andWhere and when you acquired your experience.A functional resume hides those details, which forces the reader to hunt for the desired information. But will they? Not according to executive recruiter Brad Remillard, whos conducted more than 50,000 interviews in the past 30 years. He says simply I dont read them. It is obvious when one has a functional resume they are trying to hide something and Im rarely going to take the time to attempt to figure it out.One other problem with functional resumes? Job boards and applicant-tracking systems might not be able to figure out how to store the data, since the usual sections are missing or out of order.Your Best Bet? Chronologicalwith a Functional TwistTo ensure readers can find the information they want on your resume, you need to include a reverse-chronological listing of your past jobs. But first, borrow a little of the functional flair by opening your resume with a Summary of Qualifications that spotlights your most important skills, credentials, and accomplishments. This type of combination, or hybrid, resume is a good idea for most job seekers.Having gaps in your resume is not a deal breaker. But trying to hide those gaps in a functional resume may be. Instead, use a combination resume, write a killer cover letter, and put your network to work for you

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How to stay calm during the first few weeks of your new job

How to stay calm during the first few weeks of your new jobHow to stay calm during the first few weeks of your new jobIts completely normal to feel like youve been thrown into a sink or swim situation during your first few weeks in a new position - especially when its super stressful. Its not just about getting through the first day.Heres how to handle whatever emotions come your way.Make sure you know whats expected of youThis way, youll know how you should be spending your time. Instead of aimlessly wondering what your boss thinks or how they expect you to handle your assignments, you can figure out solutions instead.Dont panic. Get clear on your managers expectations by setting up a one-on-one meeting or briefly dropping by their office.Plan it outErin Greenawald, a content strategist, editor, and freelance writer, provides tips in The Muse for when youre feeling overwhelmed at work. One of them is to take action take time to plan, which could definitely work during your first he ctic weeks at a new job.Even just writing down what needs to get done anddeciding what order youre going to tackle it incan be pretty powerful. Why? It takes all the things flying madly around your head and puts them into an actionable list. It makes you stop having to think about how youre going to do your work, and lets you just think about doing it, she writes.So stop panicking for a minute. Breathe. Then pull out a piece of paper and dump every task you have in your mind onto it. And prioritize them,Greenawaldadds. Then, instead of jumping from task to task, youll know exactly what youre focusing on now and what youll focus on next. Its not wasting time - its making the rest of your time more efficient.Dont assume youll remember it all - take notesRobin Reshwan, a professional development coach, Certified Professional Rsum Writer (CPRW) and founder and president of CS Advising and Collegial Services, provides tips for your anfangsbuchstabe weeks at a new position in U.S. News World Report.A new job has lots of new things to think about and do. Each time your manager, mentor or colleague explains a new process, procedure or request, write down the key components, she suggests. Also, make sure you clarify what is being asked and the timeline for completion. It is also helpful to ask what you should do if something does not go as planned.Get centered with your favorite podcast or musicThis is sure to throw you right back into your element - especially when youre stressed.Listening to music that helps you focus, or the sounds of your favorite podcast at your desk, are great ways to decompress when you feel like theres too much on your plate.But you can also listen as you walk.Giving yourself time to focus on yourself and whats going on around you as you walk through the streets can be really freeing.

Monday, December 16, 2019

What the Most Successful People Know About Finding Career Happiness

What the Most Successful People Know About Finding Career Happiness What the Most Successful People Know About Finding Career Happiness You work is going to fill a large part of yur life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. Steve JobsA 2015SHRM report found that, in 2014, 86 percent of U.S. employees were satisfied with their current jobs up from 81 percent in 2013. Of this group, 39 percent of employees said they were very satisfied with their jobs.Do the math that means overall, only 33 percent of people in the entire study are very satisfied with their jobs. Does that number reif a bell? It reminds us of the ever-so-famous 31 percent of people who consider themselves engaged at work, according toGallup. If only one-third of the American workforce is engaged and/or very satisfied with their jobs, then what are we doing wrong?The 5 Keys to Employee EngagementAccording to the SHRM study cited above, the top five contributors to employee job satisfaction in 2014 were as followsRespectful treatment of all employees at all levelsTrust between employees and senior managementEmployee BenefitsCompensationJob securityPerhaps if weplaced more value on intrinsic motivators,rather than extrinsic motivators, more employees would be very satisfied with their jobs.Take a look at the differences between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivationOf all those five key factors for job satisfaction, how many cost money? Just compensation and benefits (and thats counting tangible benefits flex hours, vacation time, and work from home hours arent included here.)But what about intrinsic motivation? That comes from finding work you truly love to do, work that gives you a sense of purpose. That sort of thing doesnt cost any money.What should wefocus on in order to bring intrinsic motivation to our work lives?If people placed higher importance on the following things, then more employees would find genuine satisfaction in their jobs1. Opportunities for Peopleto Use Their Skills and Abilities inTheir WorkThis factor came in at No. 7 on SHRMs list of job satisfaction contributors. Not too shabby But if more peoplevalued this, perhaps theyd find happiness in jobs that play to their strengths.The secret of joy in work is contained in one word excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it. Pearl S. Buck,author and activist.Employees who apply their strengths in their rolesevery day develop positive work habits that lead to higher engagement. Using strengths also enables employees to better handle stress and negative emotions in the workplace, according to Gallup.2. The Work ItselfEmployees who find value in the actual work they do will likely be more satisfied in their jobs, even if those jobs are relativelymundane.If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, go out and sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures. Sweep streets like Handel a nd Beethoven composed music. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. Martin Luther King, Jr.Even the most fulfilling jobs can containadmin tasks that wreak havoc on happiness. Finding joy in small tasks and seeing how those small tasks contribute to the bigger picture can bring satisfaction to employees. Most of the time, these mundane tasks are repetitive, but if they can be associated with positive habits like putting on your favorite song while you do them we can turn around our cynical attitudes toward the work we dont absolutely love to do.3. Autonomy and IndependenceAutonomy and independence are twoof the main intrinsic motivators. The more employees who have these things,the more likelythose job satisfaction ratesare to go upThere comes a time when you ought to start doing what you want. Take a job that you love. You will jum p out of bed in the morning. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you dont like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isnt that a little like saving up sex for your old age? Warren BuffetNailed it The third richest person in the world knows a little something about autonomy and the effects it has on business. Buffets Berkshire Hathaway avoids consultants and approaches business as a partnership, bedrngnis a corporation. According to the New York Times, Berkshires subsidiaries run businesses and adopt approaches that turn traits like reputation and a sense of permanence into constituent satisfaction and managerial flexibility that bolsters financial results.This independence-focused philosophy bolsters economic growth, and we think itcan translate to employee satisfaction, too.Research showsthat, when employees are given freedom, job satisfaction rises.Money Cant Buy HappinessWhile this isnt one of the ranking factors on SHRMs list, it is a key reminder for anyone looking to find career happiness. Take it from the expertsYou can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Dont make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people cant take their eyes off of you. Maya AngelouPaul and I, we never thought that we would make much money out of the thing. We just loved writing software. Bill GatesThe law of work seems unfair, but nothing can change it the more enjoyment you get out of your work, the more money you will make. Mark TwainSo, how can you apply this to your own career? By loving what you do, no matter where you are. Seek out places that can not only give you respect and compensation, but also provide autonomy and impactful work.After all, life is too short to spend it grinding away at a job you dont love. While its imperative for employers and managers to work on getting America more engaged at work, its also up to the workers themselves.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Day in the Life of a Police Detective

A Day in the Life of a Police DetectiveA Day in the Life of a Police DetectiveA lot of people who chose law enforcement as a career do so with the goal of becoming a detective or criminal investigator, and with good reason. Theres a certain satisfaction that comes from solving a complex case, much like putting together a difficult puzzle. Whether youre considering a career as an investigator or just curious about the job, youll want to know what a day in the life of a ?detective is like.?? Time to Go to Work Its Monday morning and your alarm pulls you from your sleep, which you didnt get a lot of last night. Because you work in the Criminal Investigations Division (CID), you get to work day shift with weekends off, which is great. This past weekend, though, you were the detective on call, and it was a busy one. Youre holding three new cases before the work week has even started. You ease out of bed, shower, shave and put on a shirt and tie. You cant decide if you miss wearing a u niform on the one hand, youll always be a patrol officer at heart. On the other, and especially when its 95 degrees out with 80% humidity, youre thankful youre notlage working besucherzahlen or walking a beat in a dark wool outfit like your police officer buddies in patrol have to. You grab a travel mug of coffee, strap on your sidearm, and head to the office in your unmarked car. At first, you were excited about getting an unmarked car, until you realized that instead of the sleek new Dodge Charger you were expecting you were issued a 5-year-old low-end import to avoid conspicuity. CID, you were told, tries to avoid standard patrol car models so that theyre not as easily pegged as cop cars. Just Another Day at the Office When you get to the office and check your voicemail, you have 5 new messages, all from the family of the victim from the murder scene you worked Saturday night. Theyre understandably hurt, shocked and desperate for answers, and theyre calling with what they bel ieve are more leads and evidence for you to look into. You return the calls and take down the information, which turns out to be promising. You assure them youre going to do everything you can to get answers, and you give them your mobile number so they can get in prise with you more easily. Its a small gesture and an even smaller comfort, but it brings a little more relief to the family and lets them know you really do care about their plight. After you get off the phone, you look through your case files and plan your day. Youve got 5 witnesses you need to interview, as well as the primary suspect from Saturdays murder scene. He lawyered up and has declined to answer questions to date, but his attorney reached out to you and said hes ready to talk. You set up the interview for late afternoon to give you time to talk to the witnesses and get as much extra information as you can to help you look for holes in the suspects story. The Detectives Waiting Game You spend the rest of th e day making notes in your file, reviewing photos and contacting the crime scene unit to follow up on an older case. Youre hoping for some breakthroughs from either the DNA analysts or the fingerprint examiners or, better yet, both. You dont hold out a lot of hope because you know that - despite how TV shows portray CSI cases - it usually takes months, not hours, to get any kind of actionable evidence analysis back from the lab. Interviews, Interviews and More Interviews With no new progress from the evidence techs, you leave the office, grab a quick lunch, and make your way to meet your witnesses. You take recorded interviews with each of them. Most of the information you get confirms what you already knew from the evidence, but a couple of new pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Progress. A couple of the statements contradict each other, which is a frustrating but common occurrence when dealing with different people who have different perspectives witnesses minds ofte n try to make sense of what they saw after the fact. The challenge is to separate the facts from the speculation.A challenge to be sure, but nothing you havent dealt with a hundred times before. After your last witness interview, you pull into a vacant parking lot to make some notes and go over your facts before you meet with your suspect. You develop a line of questions and devise a game plan and then make your way to the suspects attorneys office for the interview. Your suspects answers are short and somewhat evasive, and its clear hes been coached. He offers an alibi, but youve got some witnesses who contradict that. Youre not ready to play that card just yet, though. You can tell hes lying, but you want to get more proof to back it up before you call him on it. When the interview is over, you play nice with the suspect and the lawyer and assure him youre exhausting all leads. Playing by the Rules With the new information you gathered, youve got some good leads and ideas of w here to look for some key evidence. You head back to the office and draw up a search warrant so you can collect the evidence you expect to find. You send a draft to the district attorneys office for review. Since its not time-sensitive, you know you wont get a thumbs up or thumbs down until at least tomorrow. It Doesnt End at the End of the Day Its been a long day, coming off of a long weekend. As quitting time rolls around, you head out to your car and make the short drive home. When you get home, you pine for a shower and a cold beer to wash away the day. The shower, you can do. The beer is out because youre still on call. After a few hours of reading and watching TV, youre ready to turn in for the night. You rest your head on your pillow and hope for sleep to come. Sometimes, when you close your eyes at night, you see the faces of the victims whose deaths youve investigated. Sleep doesnt always come easily, but fortunately, it does tonight. A Detective Never Sleeps Youre not sure how long youve been asleep when the ringing telephone wrenches you awake. A glance at the clock tells you its 230 AM. The fog of sleep slowly lifts as you answer. Its dispatch. Good morning Detective, the dispatcher says. Weve got a signal 7 for you. Are you ready to copy? You grab the pad and pen you keep by the bed and start to take notes. Its going to be another long day.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Indisputable Truth About Industrial Design Resume That No One Is Sharing With You

The Indisputable Truth About Industrial konzeption Resume That No One Is Sharing With You Industrial designers work in offices in an assortment of industries. A standard method to develop into an industrial electrician is to finish an apprenticeship. At the conclusion of your internship, youll have relevant experience to assist you decide whether a career in Industrial Engineering is the correct choice for you. Regardless of the sum of work experience you have as an engineer, it is crucial that you produce an eye-grabbing resume. Life After Industrial Design Resume What follows is a wide selection of professional resume samples for jobs in a variety of industries. Whether youre just beginning or a seasoned pro applying to have a better position, your design resume should be first rate for you to stand a possibility of receiving an interview. Youre going to be landing that dream design job in no moment. If you are searching for a new job as an industrial engineer you are abl e to raise your probability of getting hired by writing a professional resume. When youre in work hunt, elendhing can help you more than an impressive resume. Its a fast and straightforward method to be certain youre going into a work search with your most professional foot forward. If you would like to get a nice job, you require a good resume. Its the job of any visual artist to consider from the box, and you will need to be able come up with a resume to demonstrate that to prospective employers without needing to ditch the thought of a resume altogether. Industrial Design Resume Ideas Simple does not need to mean dull. Designers will almost always realize that including the Adobe Create Suite is a fantastic starting point. Taking a start with fundamentals of internet design is a great way to understand a lot of new thing about web design. These templates are excellent for a graphic artist or designer by way of example, but if youre applying to become an accountant, you mig ht want to go for an elegant or traditional design instead.If you are searching for Industrial Engineering Or Medicine youve come to the proper spot. Consider best application for graphic design for a weapon, which you are able to strategically generates to be in a position to target a particular work and to receive the center of the business. To be a thriving industrial designer, you must have an unbelievable passion for each appropriate field of knowledge your product falls into. Usually people dont have a lot of understanding of web design. Using samples and templates of engineering resumes will enable you to gather all your qualifications in a skilled and organized method. When sending the ideal application for graphic design you need to deal with the very best individual responsible for the selection. Therefore, including a diverse assortment of certain skill keywords in your resume is important to grow the chances your application gets the attention it deserves. Specif ic programs and applications are frequently used as keywords in the event of a technical resume. Dont pack your resume with software thats so common that everybody should have the ability to utilize it. Other designer resume samples can be found on the internet and could have useful tips. Your resume is the most essential document in regards to landing a job for a designer in your specialty. Provide ongoing manufacturing support and troubleshooting. Production of goods (such as clothing and shoes) declines while the creation of services (such as fast food and physical fitness coaching) increases. To increase your odds of working within this area, you require professional childcare provider resume templates. Not all businesses find out how to locate an EBITDA. So when the hiring company hasnt provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to think of a fair estimate for what you may count on. Top Choices of Industrial Design Resume References are usually optional. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that may aid you with your work search. Mess this up, and it winds up in the pile of rejects. 1 tip Id like to provide you is that if youre using hard copies of your resume, be certain that the paper is of the best quality and the paper suits your resume design. You want to pick a resume template which will help you make a fantastic first impression, even before people start reading. You also need to think about the legal and cultural part of writing your resume. Youve probably already seen a dizzying amount of online suggestions for how to compose a resume, and arent sure about the way to make sense of it all. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. DO ensure the remainder of your resume is completely machine readable.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Business Writing Mistake That#8217;s Making You Look Bad

The Business Writing Mistake That8217s Making You Look Bad Theres something you may be doing every day thats making you look old and out of touch and, you probably have no idea what it is. Its not your clothes, or your hairstyle, or the AOL email address (although, those might not be helping either).What youre doing is more subtle than all that. Worst of all, it something that you learned welchescorrectin school. How or why would you someone teach you the wrong way to do something? All I can say is this The times have changed possibly without you.Now, before I get on a high horse, let me say that I learned this lesson the hard way. I want to keep you from learning it the hard way, too. Its very possible nobody else will point it out to you. Theyll just talk about you when youre not around or wonder to themselves about your intelligence.This sounds like a big deal, doesnt it?How I Learned My Less onWhen I first launched my career-coaching practice, Copeland Coaching, I wrote an eBook called Breaking the Rules Getting the Job. I used a recommended, fantastic editor who read over the 100 or so draft pages I wrote. She combed through every page in detail, with great care.When she was finished, I asked for general feedback on my writing style. I had never used a professional editor before and was very interested in learning as much as I could. She said something I never expected to hear The one thing you really need to stop doing is using two spaces after your periods.Wait, what? Nothing about my writing style? Two periods instead of one? But the teachers in school drilled two periods into my headThis must be a minor creative difference, I thought. I left the eBook with double spaces and never looked back.About six months later, I had a meeting with the newspaper for which I write a column. I had been writing the column for a few months, and with professional writers and editor s in the room, I took the opportunity to ask the same question Is there anything I could do to improve my writing style?One of the editors cringed. He said something along the lines of, Your writing style is good, but theres one thing that would be great if you could stop doing. You use two periods at the ends of your sentences. We always delete them.This stopped me in my tracks. My mind began to spin. How in the world was this really a thing? How was it a big deal? How is it a pet peeve of professional writers? Where did I go wrong?From the best that I can gather, using two spaces after periods was taught for years in school. At some point in time, the standard changed, and one space became the norm. Unless you write for a living, you probably werent told about the change.Simply put If youre using two spaces after periods, you are dating yourself. I suspect youre like me and dont even know this.Any time I tell a client about this standard, theyre always surprised that A.) this is a thing and B.)anyone cares. They probably ignore my suggestions in this area just like I ignored my first editor.This week, a friend posted on social media about this pet peeve with a link to a recent article on the website Slate. It inspired me to write this post.Heres how the article begins Can I let you in on a secret? Typing two spaces after a period is totally, completely, utterly, and inarguably wrong. The author goes on to say, What galls me about two-spacers is What Im getting at here is that the one space or two issue is a very controversial one. And were all being judged.If youre out there applying for jobs, take my advice and switch to one space. Dont overthink it. Just do it. After some practice, it will become more natural and it will prevent you from being gossiped about by those who are more up on writing than the average person.After all, theyre tying your knowledge of this fact (or lack thereof) to your intelligence.