Friday, July 3, 2020

3 Good Reasons to Get in Touch With Your Network

3 Good Reasons to Get in Touch With Your Network With the advent of social media, we all have an easy opportunity to review whats happening in the world and insert ourselves into this conversation. There is simply no excuse for staying secluded in your own bubble. This is true when youre gainfully employed and even more so if youre in career transition. Your network cannot help you if theyve lost touch with who you are, what you do, and what you need. If youre feeling shy or unsure about reaching out to your contacts, here are three good excuses to get in touch: Rekindle. All social media platforms, but especially LinkedIn, are ideal forums to find and rekindle relationships with former peers, employees and bosses, as well as old personal acquaintances. How do you know that someone who worked for you 20 years ago doesnt now hold a senior position above you, and could influence the decision to hire you for your next executive appointment? Stay connected. As youre reintroduced to these former contacts, watch for their postings and use social media as a venue to make some personal comments about what they share. Since this could be personal or professional news, keep your comments relevant and in context, without boring or alienating the other readers with unrelated career talk. This is just about maintaining familiarity, friendliness and connection. Make a match. Have you ever played Piggy in the Middle? (You may know it as Keep Away or Monkey in the Middle.) Well, in your career, being a piggy in the middle means connecting two people who would find mutual gain. As a well-connected person across social media, I enjoy making introductions, provided there is a compelling reason, as it enhances my reputation while helping others generate leads for their career advancement and transition. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus can also be used as search engines to uncover industry events and news that you can share with your network across the board, advancing your status as an industry thought leader. You can post your news about your own career progression, and recent accomplishments like successful projects (at work or in your volunteer activities), new training and certifications, or original content youve created and published. Social media makes it easier than ever to stay in touch with people who could have a positive influence on your next executive appointment. Take the time and make the effort to reach out you never know where it could lead your career.

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